BUCURESTI - 15 aprilie 2013

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Eight day (plus one day white exam) intensive systemic coaching training to acquire the essential skills and strategies to become a masterful systemic coach. This program is designed both for advanced coaches who want to revisit their fundamentals and acquire powerful systemic tools that will boost their coaching practice, and to begining coaches who want to establish a solid foundation to their coaching practice.


The course takes place at the following dates


Workshop I :             18 – 19 April              - “Silence and Listening”

Workshop II :            13 – 14 May               - “The Art of Asking Questions“

Workshop III :          10 – 11 June               - "Contracts in Coaching"

Workshop IV :            8 –   9 July                - "Systemic Approach"

Exam session :           10 July                        - “White Paper Exam” 



Trainer : Alain Cardon, master certified coach – International Coach Federation.

The course is certified by International Coach Federation validated training (ACSTH - Approved Coach Specific Training Hours).


Price 2013 :

-          3300 eur + TVA for 9 days of training (Including a “White Paper examination for coaches: 300 euro + TVA). Price also includes lunch and breaks. To be paid in full at registration. (Price for all ather payment schemes: 3900 eur + TVA)




For details on registration please contact Metasysteme Coaching

e-mail : "Ioana Savu" <ioanas@metasysteme-coaching>,  phone number: 0733 988 678


“ FUNDAMENTELE COACHINGULUI & EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP” Curs complet de Formare si Dezvoltare in Coaching

 Insusirea tehnicilor si instrumentelor fundamentale de comunicare performanta si a deprinderilor in coaching, pe baza unui set de aplicatii si exercitii practice supervizate, in cadrul carora participantii vor aborda situatii reale intalnite in activitatea profesionala de zi cu zi.

Cursul se deruleaza la urmatoarele date calendaristice:

Modulul I :    18 – 19 Aprilie - “Silence and Listening”

Modulul II :    13 – 14 Mai  - “The Art of Asking Questions“

Modulul III :    10 – 11 Iunie - "Contracts in Coaching"

Modulul IV :      8 –   9 Iulie - "Systemic Approach"

Modul evaluare :   10 Iulie - “White Paper Exam”  

Trainer : Alain Cardon, master certified coach – International Coach Federation.

Cursul este certificat de International Coach Federation validated training (ACSTH - Approved Coach Specific Training Hours).

Tariful de participare :

-    3300 eur + TVA/curs  in situatia achitarii integrale inainte de inceperea cursului;

-    3900 eur + TVA/curs pentru plata esalonata pe fiecare modul in parte (ceea ce revine 900 eur/modul x 4 module = 3600 eur); modulul de evaluare costa 300 eur.

Pentru detalii privind inscrierea, contactati Metasysteme Coaching:

e-mail : "Ioana Savu",  telefon 0733 988 678

Citeste mai mult: “ FUNDAMENTELE COACHINGULUI & EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP” Curs complet de Formare si Dezvoltare in Coaching
