opreste comercializarea consolelor Microsoft, Sony & Nintendo

BUCURESTI - 14 februarie 2008

Comunicat tip General in IT&C

Ca urmare a petitiei lansate de detinatorii de console Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360 si Nintendo Wii, cel mai mare website dedicat gamerilor din Romania isi retrage de la vanzare toate consolele, jocurile si serviciile aferente acestora. opreste comercializarea consolelor Microsoft, Sony & Nintendo

'Prin aceasta actiune dorim sa demonstram ca suntem de partea miilor de gameri din Romania ce au achizitionat aceste console si care nu pot beneficia de serviciile online ale acestora, asa cum se intampla in 99% din tarile din Europa', a declarat Silviu Stroie, reprezentantul .

Consideram actiunea de retragere de la vanzare a acestor produse ca fiind rezultatul incalcarii legislatiei in vigoare, in special prin oferirea unor produse ce nu pot fi folosite de catre cumparatorul din Romania asa cum este specificat de catre producator. Niciuna din consolele respective precum si jocurile aferente nu prezinta nici-un fel de indicatie prin care cumparatorul din Romania sa fie avertizat sau atentionat ca nu va functiona in Romania.

Intrucat raspunsurile oficiale referitoare la activarea acestor servicii online intarzie sa apara, a luat decizia de a retrage de la vanzare toate produsele Microsoft, Sony si Nintendo pentru consolele Playstation 3, Xbox 360 si Wii, pana la clarificarea situatiei in cauza.

Petitia oficiala poate fi accesata online la aceasta pagina:
iar locul de unde a plecat aceasta petitie si unde va puteti expune parerile poate fi gasit aici: microsoft-sony-si-nintendo.html .

Continutul petitiei:
Give Romanian Gaming Community The Same Rights

We, the ROMANIAN owners of gaming consoles, related products and services offered by MICROSOFT CORPORATION, SONY CORPORATION and NINTENDO, as full rights members of EUROPEAN UNION and users of the products and services you sold us, we kindly plead you to consider our petition for enabling full online services and support for ROMANIA. Through this document, we would like to request to be treated according to the EUROPEAN UNION laws, as equals in rights with all the other member countries where these services are available.
The products named here as MICROSOFT XBOX 360, SONY PLAYSTATION 3 and NINTENDO WII you sold us and are still selling in ROMANIA, like in any other European country, come with no warnings that the products bought have no support at all in our country. Therefore we would like to benefit from the full online services we paid for.
Dear EUROPEAN UNION REPRESENTATIVES, as members of the EUROPEAN UNION, we would like to petition for full rights as everyone else and be able to use the online services and support for the products we paid for. None of the three products named above allow us to use it online in ROMANIA, as there is no such support, although most of us have paid for a product or service that gives us one month, three months, six months or unlimited access to online services. Most of us have bought products (software and hardware) that require a connection to XBOX LIVE or PLAYSTATION STORE, which is impossible as there is no such service for ROMANIA.
Dear representatives at MICROSOFT, SONY and NINTENDO, when the products named above were launched, you promised us an experience like never seen before, with online multiplayer, online chat, online tournaments, news, downloads, updates and online support. How can we have that unbelievable experience if you don't allow us to access those services?
So, we, the ROMANIAN owners of products you sold us, kindly ask you to give us what we paid for. We ask for nothing more than what you promised when we bought your products. We honestly believe this is a win-win situation for all of us. And as a proof to you that we are not just 5 or 10 people, we will sign below.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and listening to the gaming community from ROMANIA.
The Undersigned

Cateva citate desprinse de la petitionari si articole online:

“Utilizatorii consolelor acuza ca acestea le-au fost vindute fara nici un avertisment, ca serviciile pe care le cumpara nu sint disponibile pentru Romania, inclusiv suportul tehnic.” - Ziarul Cotidianul

“Aceste console nu pot fi folosite la adevarata lor performanta, asa cum se intampla in alte tari europene, din cauza ca romanii sunt restrictionati de serviciile online, fara a fi insa si anuntati oficial de privarea acestor drepturi.” – Ziarul Romania Libera

“Consolele de noua generatie (Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 si Sony PlayStation 3) sunt comercializate oficial in Romania prin distribuitori autorizati. De asemenea, au fost organizate chiar si evenimente tematice, cum ar fi petrecerea de lansare a consolei PlayStation 3 si concursurile organizate de distribuitorul oficial pentru jocuri precum Wii Sports sau Halo 3. Cu toate acestea, serviciile online oferite pentru aceste console in tara noastra sunt aproape inexistente, detinatorii romani de Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 si Wii fiind privati de Xbox Live, PlayStation Store sau Virtual Console.“ – Revista XtremPC

“Există cazuri de produse, accesorii şi software aferent celor menţionate deja, ce nu pot funcţiona deloc, întrucât România nu are acces online la serviciile Xbox Live, Playstation Store sau Wii Shop. Pentru ei, România nu există !” –

“Peste 3.000 de împătimiţi ai jocurilor pe calculator vor să reclame la Uniunea Europeană trei mari companii de soft, pe motiv că vând servicii pe care de fapt nu le oferă.“ - ProTV

“Romania este exclusa din Europa. Suntem membrii NATO. Suntem membrii ai Uniunii Europene, si totusi nu avem un lucru de care se bucura vecinii nostrii din Ungaria, din Polonia, din Cehia. Ce se intampla in Romania. De ce suntem opriti ?” – The Money Channel

“I want just what i paid for. Online services & download. I paid thousands of euros and i have to lie i'm from UK to play my own games. I feel cheated.” - Semnatar petitie

“My money were as good as anyone from Europe. But i got nothing in return. What a shame !” - Semnatar petitie

“I bought my Playstation 3 and the first thing i wanted when i connected it to the internet was to visit the Playstation Store wich i couldn't because of the politics that Sony uses.” - Semnatar petitie

“Online gaming creates an international community and nobody should be left out.” - Semnatar petitie

“Maybe from now on i'll be able to play with my friends worldwide ! For now i can only see 'this service is not available in your country'. Then why did they sell me the console and games and one year Live if i can't use it ? Isn't this call cheating ?” - Semnatar petitie

“When you buy a console, that's major feature is its integration into the gaming community via online media, you expect all you pay for. Not a reduced version because of your location!” - Semnatar petitie

“I intended to buy a gaming console, but when i've found there's no online support for it i changed my mind. I belive it's enough to offer only game titles (and many are more expensive than other EU countries), but you're paying as much as other customers across the world. So, i belive i deserve to be threated in the same way. “ - Semnatar petitie

Despre PGL

Silviu Stroie,
Computer Games Online
Telefon: 0730333988
