
Locul desfasurarii: CityPlaza

Organizator: MSA

SpotClub is to be organized at Cluj-Napoca on June 9 by Media Sound Advertising. Special guest: Liviu David, Creative Director and Partner Next Cap. Before working in Next Cap, Liviu David was a Creative Director in D'Arcy.

Event organized with the support of Autoworld, Media Sound Advertising, CityPlaza.

SpotClub is an event gathering professionals in advertising and marketing in order to discuss general problems in the field, comment on Advertising Festivals and their winners and watch Tv commercials.

SpotClub is a Rospotline event.

Alin Mihon
BTL Director
Media Sound Advertising
53 Meteor St.
400492 Cluj-Napoca
Tel/fax: 0264 432.302; 597.792.


ADVICE Students este o organizatie nonguvernamentala, infiintata de catre un grup de studenti entuziasti si dornici sa aduca o schimbare in jurul lor.

ADVICE Students sustine studentii in drumul spre succes creand generatii de profesionisti cu initiativa, pregatirea, viziunea si curajul care sa le permita sa-si exploateze potentialul la maxim si sa fie cei mai buni.

Aceasta este provocarea noastra: sa-ti proiectezi viitorul exact asa cum iti doresti si sa indraznesti sa-l implinesti! Sa gandesti revolutionar!

Participare: Intrare libera